Deadline for submissions:
January 15, 2024
We encourage submissions of individual papers, paper-based panels, discussions, art and other creative interventions in collaborations between academics, activists and artists alike.
We will have 90 minute slots across all three sites, so when thinking about your submission, do keep that in mind.
Below you can submit your idea directly. If you are submitting a paper, simply paste your paper abstract in the field titled 'abstract' below. Maximum lenght: 200 words. If you are submitting a panel, you should also paste the description in the 'abstract' field below. Please included a brief description and submit titles, author name and afiliations as well as the 200 words abstracts for the 3-4 papers that comprise the panel.
The format gives guidance on papers and paper-based panels, but feel free to submit any other intervention and describe what you intend with it and what activities you foresee taking place in the free text box called ‘Abstract’ below.
The form is for final submissions. If you wish to circulate a call for papers for a panel you can use relevant list-servers. You can also publish your panel description on the POLLEN website by sending an email to